Halo Verde, East Timor – Plan Vivo

May 10, 2021

This project is working with smallholder farmers to plant trees and restore degraded land in East Timor, an island affected badly by deforestation. Trees and crops are planted together in agroforestry systems, promoting carbon storage in trees and soil while also providing ecosystem services to local people. This is the first project in East Timor to gain Plan Vivo Certification.

Photo: Property of FCOTI

Since its conception in 2011, the project has improved the livelihood for more than 950 farmers and their families through the payments made in exchange for carefully planted and well-kept trees. The project also contributes to restoring degraded land, improving soil quality, and contributing knowledge in cultivation methods. The success of this project is reflected by the planned expansion to include even more farmers and have reforest a greater area. The goal is to reforest at least 322 hectares of land by 2029.


By restoring forests, the risk of soil erosion is reduced, and the island’s precious biodiversity is conserved for future generations. The Plan Vivo standard only allows native species to be planted and like all Plan Vivo certified projects, at least 60% of the income generated goes directly to the participants working with the project on the ground.


An important part of Plan Vivo projects is to create alternative sources of income. The Halo Verde project focuses on helping female participants find local markets to sell jams, sauces, and locally produced sweets. A fund has been created that aims exclusively to strengthen women’s financial position along with a new scholarship program to reduce the barriers to education for young people.

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