Bagepalli biogas India – Fairtrade Climate Standard

November 7, 2019

By installing biogas units, the need for firewood is reduced, which in turn reduces the number of trees being cut down for use as fuel. This conserves the local forests but also benefits local people. Traditional cooking methods create dangerous levels of indoor smoke which contribute to health problems. These biogas units are smoke-free which helps poor people stay healthy.

Bagepalli Coolie Sangha is an organization that has existed for 25 years and consists of 38,615 farming families in 915 villages across India. The organization independently conducts various development projects that benefit local people and the environment.


One example is the creation of 18,000 biogas units for households across the Chickballapur district. These units will replace kerosene and wood burners used for cooking and water heating. Households work together to create and maintain the biogas unit that they all benefit from. The units are filled with cow dung and organic waste to produce the gas that is used as fuel. The residues from the biogas plants also provide an effective fertilizer that smallholder farmers can use for their cultivation. This technology has been being used in India for many years and has helped to create a better life for thousands of people.


Money invested in this project goes into helping families to service these biogas units and build more for communities that have not yet benefited from them.


"Rich people use gas for cooking and since I use biogas, I feel rich too."

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